Unreported Claims Management for Fleets

Alleged or unreported incidents can present a sizeable challenge for corporate fleets, due to the potential reputational risks, and substantial claims & legal costs involved.

To alleviate this challenge, sopp+sopp have robust processes in place to ensure all third-party reported incidents are fully investigated, validated, and checked to ensure they’re legitimate before they’re progressed.

We achieve this by cross-referencing multiple data sources, all embedded within our claims system, including initial FNOL, telematics, and surveillance data - ensuring any falsified claims are identified quickly.

This ensures we’re always able to deliver swift support to genuine third-party claimants, ensuring cost & reputational risks are managed, while repudiating any falsified claims.

Data-Driven Anti-Fraud Validation

Integrating with multiple industry data sources to audit and validate third-party reports, and reduce the risk of exaggerated or fraudulent claims.

Controlling the Cost of Unreported Incidents

We work to secure the most cost-effective outcomes of third-party claims, including through active engagement, and cost-focused repair engineering.

Focused on Reputation & Risk Management

Taking a pragmatic, empathetic approach to unreported third-party claims, ensuring your brand’s reputation is managed & upheld to a high standard.

Trusted by a Range of Leading Commercial Fleets…

Brand-Conscious Management of Unreported Fleet Incidents

sopp+sopp’s unreported claims management service helps our fleet customers to minimise both the reputational and financial impact of unreported third-party incidents, and ensure seamless third-party claim journeys - with a focus on cost control and operational efficiency.

Discover All our Fleet Management Services…