Third-Party Intervention & Settlement Service for Fleets

sopp+sopp’s in-house Third-Party Intervention service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This round-the-clock capability enables us to make immediate contact with third parties, no matter when the incident took place.

This strengthens our ability to mitigate the costs and reputational risks associated with at-fault fleet incidents, ensuring your fleet is covered against all exemptions and complexities arising from at-fault claims.

Our dedicated third-party team work to ensure all third parties are engaged swiftly and empathetically, helping your fleet to control reputational risk, and gain control over third-party repairs & mobility.

Effective Reputation Management

Engaging with third-parties empathetically and professionally, through a centralised team, to protect your brand’s reputation.

Managed In-House from Capture to Settlement

Managing third-party claims end-to-end, in-house - from identifying and capturing TPs, to reaching full and swift settlement.

Minimise Costs with Swift Intervention

Swift third-party intervention enables us to minimise and control at-fault claims costs for your fleet, helping you reduce total claims & repair outlay.

Trusted by a Range of Leading Commercial Fleets…

Third-Party Capture, Engagement, and Claims Settlement

Our dedicated Third-Party team provide an empathetic, brand-centric intervention service for our fleet customers - with a focus on swift engagement, best-practice dispute management, and reputational protection.

  • Swift & accurate third-party capture is embedded throughout our accident management service. Our FNOL processes, including our digital eNOL solution, focus on ensuring third-party information is captured quickly and accurately the first time around, as well as collating supporting visual evidence from step one to support comprehensive liability assessment.

  • We engage with third-parties swiftly and empathetically, ensuring costs are minimised and controlled effectively, while retaining our focus on brand & reputation management for our fleet customers.

  • Our third-party team work fast to ensure third parties are captured and engaged before they incur any out-of-network costs, helping our fleet customers to regain control over at-fault claims outlay, and ensure third-parties are placed swiftly into their preferential courtesy vehicle and repair routes.

  • Our third-party intervention process is supported by in-system workflows, tasks, and processes, which ensure the correct routes of capture, engagement, and intervention are followed quickly and consistently for every appropriate claim.

    At-fault claims are flagged to our team automatically based on the liability tag generated against the claim in our proprietary CMS, allowing them to act quickly to identify, capture, and engage non-fault parties.

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