De-Fleeting & Commercial Vehicle Retirement Services

sopp+sopp have extensive experience supporting commercial fleets in retiring, de-fleeting, and salvaging vehicles which have reached the end of their lives in service.

Whether you’re de-fleeting owned or leased assets, we have the in-house expertise to assist with all aspects of cost control, reputational management, refurbishment, disposal, and end-of-lease agreements.

We provide comprehensive, tech-driven vehicle damage assessment, helping us inform high-quality end-of-lease repair & refurbishment, and brand-tailored de-branding. sopp+sopp can even serve as an independent arbitrator between your fleet and its funders or lease providers, ensuring agreements are fulfilled and all costs mitigated.

Clean & Sustainable Asset Disposal

Partnering with environmentally-conscious disposal partners, helping your fleet to fulfil its ESG requirements, and minimise its carbon footprint.

End-of-Lease Checks and Negotiations

Negotiating with your fleet’s leasing & financing partners on your behalf, securing fair and cost-effective end-of-lease agreements.

De-Branding to your Exact Requirement

Protecting your fleet’s reputation by securely and professionally de-branding and respraying end-of-life vehicles, to your exact requirement.

Trusted by a Range of Leading Commercial Fleets…

Brand-Conscious Asset Disposal and De-Fleeting

sopp+sopp supports fleets to securely & consciously retire their end-of-service vehicles - including through de-branding, repair and refurbishment, disposal, end-of-lease management, and cost control.

  • sopp+sopp have extensive relationships with finance and leasing providers, giving us the ability to act as the independent arbitrator for our fleet customers in the event of any dispute scenarios during the de-fleeting process.

  • sopp+sopp are specialists in commercial vehicle repair & refurbishment, utilising a UK-wide network of specialist repairers for HGVs, LCVs, and specialist vehicles. This enables us to facilitate full end-of-lease reconditioning for our fleet customers, including de-branding, maintenance, and cosmetic repairs of all scales.

  • Our specialist team provides management of vehicle rebranding projects of all scales, including full & professional decal and livery removal, and paintwork reconditioning, for end-of-life stock.

    To further support cost savings for our customers, we can also undertake “mid-life” rebranding projects on fleet vehicles. This can positively impact service costs as well as vehicle resale values, offering impressive savings on equivalent purchases of new vehicles.

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