In-House Engineering Division for Fleet Repairs

sopp+sopp’s in-house engineering solution is facilitated by our team of 60+ qualified engineers, who validate all repair estimates to control costs, support sustainability targets, promote safety initiatives, and drive down repair cycle times for our fleet customers.

This in-house capability enables us to keep our fleet customers’ repair costs to a minimum, without compromising on repair quality, and helps us facilitate swift, best-practice repairs on a right-first time basis - minimising post-incident vehicle downtime.

All of our engineers are appropriately qualified, with specialists in all major repair methodologies, across all vehicle types - including specialist equipment & modifications, EVs & Hybrids, and alternative fuel vehicles. 

Ensure Accurate Total Loss Identification

Our engineering process is driven by next-generation damage assessment technology, and qualitative industry-standard vehicle data, allowing for swift total loss identification.

Promote a Right-First-Time Approach

Our engineers ensure all repairs are completed correctly and in-full the first time around, while employing the most time & cost- effective methods for the job, every time.

Achieve more Cost-Effective Repairs

Our tech-driven engineering solution identifies opportunities for cost-saving repair initiatives and methodologies - without ever compromising on repair quality or turnaround.

Trusted by a Range of Leading Commercial Fleets…

Fleet Repair Engineering, Focused on Cost Control & Efficiency

sopp+sopp’s in-house engineering solution helps our fleet customers to achieve high-quality, sustainable, and cost-effective repairs - conducted correctly and in-full the first time around.

We can support your fleet to reduce repair expenditure, harness sustainable repair initiatives, and get your vehicles back on the road, good as new, as quickly as possible.

  • Our engineers work to identify cost and time-saving initiatives, in-line with your repair policies, to ensure all repairs are completed through means which maximise efficiency, and minimise vehicle downtime.

    This includes identifying & implementing opportunities for repair-over-replace methodology, green and aftermarket parts, and mobile & roadside solutions, as well as ensuring repairer estimates are both accurate and reasonable for the work required.

  • Our engineers are fully qualified, with a specialist commercial vehicle team, experience engineering high-quality and cost-effective repair across all vehicle types, including large commercial vehicles, refrigerated bodies, and specialist chassis.

  • In assigning dedicated engineers to our fleet customer accounts, we ensure that there is clear alignment and understanding of the repair requirements and standards expected on each vehicle within the fleet. This can vary hugely on different vehicle types and from fleet to fleet, which is why this approach has been adopted. Working collaboratively to know and understand our customers' differing requirements is the sopp+sopp way.

    This compliance to standards extends to not just the repair itself but the adherence to brand guidelines when it comes to the application of decals and paint, delivering a consistent "on brand" finish to each repair.

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